1.Upper construction
Upper construction is formed with the combination of plywood, secondary beam, main beam and four-way head together. In addition to compliance with all kinds of planning and slab desing depending on main and secondary beams lenghts, upper construction can be designed according to requested loads in terms of the quantity of main and secondary beams.
2.Supporting structure
Basic frames, diagonal braces, spindle feet and spindle heads form the supporting structure. Thanks to spindle feet and heads, needed heights can be obtained with different combinations of basic frames.
The upper construction and supporting structure are combined with each other by means of connecting pins and formed tableform is used several times without dissassembling throughout the project.
Thanks to this property, on tableform;
- The corrosion gets too little.
- Labour efficiency gets very high.
When tableform circulation is analyzed with regard to labour, it seems that the highest time is consumed for the adjustment of spindles. The weight of tableform itself creates a hard effect on confortably turning of spindle nuts. HD 150 table trolley suspends the tables and takes the load over itself and this enables spindle nuts to be turned comfortably. Thanks to this simple-looking property, a considerable saving is achieved from labour.