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One system, three applications
HD 150 slab formwork system enables 3 different applications with its “quite few”, “standard” and “easy to assemble” components.
The components forming the system are in nature of compatibility and complement of each other. And this offers you speed, economy and confidence factors togetger.
HD 150 slab formwork system enables 3 different applications with its “quite few”, “standard” and “easy to assemble” components.
1.Upper construction
Upper construction is formed with the combination of plywood, secondary beam, main beam and four-way head together. In addition to compliance with all kinds of planning and slab desing depending on main and secondary beams lenghts, upper construction can be designed according to requested loads in terms of the quantity of main and secondary beams.
2.Supporting structure
Basic frames, diagonal braces, spindle feet and spindle heads form the supporting structure. Thanks to spindle feet and heads, needed heights can be obtained with different combinations of basic frames.
The upper construction and supporting structure are combined with each other by means of connecting pins and formed tableform is used several times without dissassembling throughout the project.
Thanks to this property, on tableform;
When tableform circulation is analyzed with regard to labour, it seems that the highest time is consumed for the adjustment of spindles. The weight of tableform itself creates a hard effect on confortably turning of spindle nuts. HD 150 table trolley suspends the tables and takes the load over itself and this enables spindle nuts to be turned comfortably. Thanks to this simple-looking property, a considerable saving is achieved from labour.
KD system is an under-beam tableform system providing important advantages on slabs where there are frequently repeated deep beams. In this system, slab bottom is also supported with tables placed under beams. In addition to achieve saving from both scaffolding materials and labour, it is also benefited from the property of less corrosion of meterial which is the most important property of tableform system.
The supporting of beam side formworks on beam slabs is a crucial problem with regard to either labour or material loss. The component known as moveable trestle makes a significant contribution to the solution of trouble by utilizing it instead of wooden lapels. In order that the component aligns beam side formwork precisely, the wooden beam moving on it must be a flat-surface industrial wooden one.
HD 150 shoring tower is designed for big heights and heavy loads. The system consists of quite few and standard components. And this enables the erection to be exteremely simple and fast. If required, this system can be carried by crane as well as being erected and striked by hand.
The platform built by material stocking brackets provides great convenience to the construction site during either formwork circulation or material transport. The tableforms brought onto stocking bracket by trolleys can be suspended with transport fork or cables and carried to upper floor easily. Furthermore; it becomes possible to stock materials onto material stocking bracket. So, the materials can be transported from one floor to another in a safe way.
Optimum material utilization
Main frame spaces are adjusted on one side as free and on other side in accordance with diagonal brace dimensions. Project designing performed with regard to inbound loads enables the system to be erected with materials as required and economize from material and labour correspondingly.
Applicable for any thickness
All heights are sorted out milimetricly by means of basic frames connected upward on end with spindle feet, spindle heads and various combinations.
Applicable for any heights
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